A project that uses realtime, to the second, RNG data from the Global Consciousness project as an input to power Javascript Web Audio based oscillators.
RNG stands for 'Random Number Generator' and is a specialized device that generates streams of random numbers.
This application can be CPU/memory intensive. Reducing the oscillator sample length can increase performance
Press the 'Audio' button in the top right hand corner to start/stop sound
This is the length of time the oscillator will output a sound, this value must be greater than 2. Per each dataset there are around 15-25 manipulations to the oscillator so a cascade of sounds will output each second.
A feature of the Javascript web audio kit, applys the same hertz frequency and one second less than the osscilator's sample length
Another feature used because its' present. Permits the fashining of a custom sine wave. Will probably make sound transitions smoother
You can adjust the multiplier that is used in conjuction with the RNG site data to manipulate the hertz value fed into the oscillator, press update to activate the entered values. The detune option uses the same value and subtracts 1 (second) from the oscillator sample length, this can be toggled on or off. The colors refer to a scale that is given to ranges of values, but the final hertz value is based on the actual number from the RNG site multiplied by these values
Pressing these buttons will update fields with the preset and should begin to take affect within a second, if the audio button has been pressed, otherwise it will activate once audio playback is running
You may load and save settings here. Enter a title for your settings and press save, the textarea below will have your setting that you may copy and paste for later use.
Removetrail is an open source project hosted on github. Its messy. Thank you for your understanding.